My Work
I keep you updated about what i do and how i contribute
to a more beautiful and peaceful world.
The moment when a room full with over sixty participants from Chile to the USA, from India to Ghana up to Germany turned from an ordinary workshop room into a safe space where people dared to honestly share deep inner thoughts and feelings. This was the moment when I once more felt the power of „transparent communication“.
Together with my humble co-host Leo Schwarz I got to hold a workshop on this topic at the Global Citizenship Conference of the The Melton Foundation in Jena last week. The more we are engaged in adressing our multiple global crisis through factual discussions the more important it is to honestly relate to our feelings.
I truely believe this combination to be a key element in adressing the problems of our times and that´s why it was such a unique experience to lead this method with a group of motivated people. I am grateful for their courage to step out of their comfort zone and into vulnerable sharings and authentic participantion.
My thanks go to the organizing team, especially Sonali Keshwa Murti & Lars Dietzel for creating a conference that allowed for this type of encounter to happen and to all the senior fellows that participated in this experience, especially Henrika Amoafo, Kashmira Shah, Eric Nii Anyetei Odonkor, Sabreesh Sekar, Pooja Channaveerappa & Isabel Jaki.