Beyond right and wrong is a place. Lets meet there.


Matthias Libuda

Mediator, Moderator & Facilitator
Conflicts are not only emotional upheavals. They also show us where our potentials lie. The solution of a conflict therefore bears not only a relaxation of the situation but a possiblity to grow beyond oneself as well.
As a mediator and facilitator of group settings I am in the challenging situation to conduct decisions in emotionally charged situations. My experience: we can only live a new culture of relating and being together when we adress both humanly expressions, the factual and the emotional. There is a great urgency for this new culture to emerge.

systemisch-integrales Einzelcoaching

Stecken Sie immer wieder in den gleichen Sackgassen fest und brauchen eine neue Perspektive? Drehen sich Ihre Gedanken im Kreis und Sie kommen nicht weiter? Ich arbeite mit Ihnen nach dem systemisch-integralen Ansatz gerne mit Ihnen allein um Ihnen neue Möglichkeiten im Denken und Handeln zu geben.



Erleben Sie Spannungen in ihrem Team? Merken Sie wie der Umgang unter Ihren MitarbeiterInnen und KollegInnen häufig die Zusammenarbeit beeinträchtigt?  Ich helfe Ihnen gerne dabei Konfliktlinien zu identifizieren und zu einer fließenden Kommunikation und einem respektvollen Miteinander zurück zu kommen.


Are you in a constant argument with your partner or friends and need support? Do you have conflicts with your boss or colleagues and can't get on? I am happy to work with you alone or together with the conflicting party.


Facilitation of groups

In case you work in an organization or company and need support in your decisionmaking or you are working at the area of conflict between civil society and institutions. I can assist you with a combination of mediation and moderation in your process.


Testimonials from people I worked for or worked with me.

Because we are walking forever
we have time for the Now.

Thomas Hübl



mobil: +49/017645863280

